Short Story:

New Orleans is the setting. A student discovers his medical school offers much more in the way of learning than he'd bargained for.

All’s well until he befriends an eccentric MD—whose office at the end of the hall is plagued with frequent, inexplicable electrical issues due to the strange goings-on inside.
The adventure begins when Sidney discovers that his mild-mannered tutor is actually a modern-day shaman.

In the style of Dr. Strange and Mr. Norell, this is old-fashioned sci-fi—

—A sophisticated romp through time and space with a medical student and his mentor.

New Orleans is an unusual place — unlike any I have seen. It has something of the Old World, still; walking her streets, at times, I think I am back in Europe. Beneath its modern façade beats a very old heart, traces of which caught up to me a few years ago. Many years ago, in fact. Time has given me the distance and perspective to relay these events in the short story, “Florian’s Lamp”. I knew it would be best to change the names of the people involved. So I did +

Excerpt from Chapter VI:

Florian marched to the window and turned around. “Have you considered your options and weighed them? Will you join me?”, he asked quietly.
“You make it sound like mankind rests in the balance if I don’t.”
“Because it does”, he said, quite casually.
“Then there can be only one response for my wife, my child, and myself. I'm with ya, Doc."
Florian shoved his pipe in his mouth, clapped his hands and came over to hug me.
“You’re ready, Sidney. Now, we need a starting point. For your initial foray have you …. anyone you’d like to see in person? A person long gone but you’re fascinated by what they did, what they accomplished?”
“Matter of fact, there is. I’ve always admired Chopin. Always wished I could hear him play. I’d like to see him in action. Are you saying we can do it?”
“I’ll get on it tonight. It’ll be a good introduction. I’d like to see his magic! What city?”
“Got it.”

Florian started sketching out some odd lines and shapes in pencil. I lit a smoke and took a sip, “So– you’re a shaman ….”
“I’m more of a scientist with shamanistic tendencies. There’s quite a difference. One of hygiene, to start. Are you sure about the trip?”
“Ah! Surely there are more un-glamorous ways to go”, I mused. “Never thought I’d be hookin’ up with a shaman. I did see a movie once. Had a guy kinda like you in it."
“However," Florian began, "—unlike the movies, I can only give you a 97% certainty of making it to the end as a hero. Is this good enough?”
“It will have to do.”
“We leave tomorrow, then!”


I didn’t sleep much that night. I
tried to study but couldn’t. I thought of my girls. What if something were to happen to me? Like Klaus. Unless …


I was dreaming, once of the
ultimate importance of mankind, but mostly of Chopin, of Paris—Polish mazurkas and lullabies.


I fell in to a fitful sleep,

To dream of realms beyond the night. Dream, can you show me light?  

I stand atop a spiral stair,  

An oracle confronts me there. He leads me on light years away,  

Through astral nights, galactic days …. 


“Been to Salzburg? That’s where we’re landing. I’ve worked out the calculations. It’s the only junction on this cycle. I figure we’ve a good five to ten minutes.”
“Five to …?”
“Oh yes, it being your first time. That’s how long the peptide orbs last. And that’s pushing it. And there are other side effects, Sidney …. okay …. you look disappointed.”
“I …”
“There’s no time like the present, Sidney. And the present shifts. It will be ten minutes from our dimension but could last for days from the other. I am an MD, you are not”, he winked. “And I prescribe this. I’ll be with you all the time."


"Remember this: There are creatures out there. They aren’t real. But they are. Remember how to pull back, like we discussed, and choose. If you begin to stray our code word will be 'Goldilocks'. Is this clear?”
“Clear, 'said the baby bear.'”


“It’s okay if you wander about for a minute. But be aware of your position. Always. I have his chronographer. We’re set.”
“His what?”
“Oh, this ….” Florian pulled from his vest what looked like a large pocket watch –with elaborate gold trimmings.
“It’s pure gold.”
“Yes, with an infusion of zinc plasma—its only impurity. Pardon me—I don’t know the physical chemistry—it’s what imbues it with such lightness. Rugged, but flexible. It’s waterproof. Don’t know how old it is. I could only guess. A nice object, if I do say so myself.
I’ve never used one exactly like this, but no matter. That’s why I went to see Fred. Well, and to say goodbye. He passed his to me. It’s what we’ll need for both of us to go through the portal. I’m used to a one-man whirligig. But this one works with two. You’re my first double, Sidney. But don’t worry, I’ve done this enough. I know the terrain pretty well.”
“I’m sorry about your friend, Florian.”
“Appreciated, my friend. Now, this one is yours.”
He handed me my orb. He washed his down with his rum flask, then handed it to me. I did the same – and took a second shot for good measure.


This time we took the stairs slowly. We climbed a metal, maintenance ladder to the first landing. We stood there. I looked at Florian,
“There”, he pointed up, “To that landing.”
We made our way, room enough for one climber at time. Florian was leading and we came to a second landing which opened to a much larger space.
“It’s up there”, he pointed.
“If you’re leading me to my death just know I’ll never forgive you.”
Florian was more animated than I’d ever seen him, “Isn’t this fun! Now, you go on up and sit down at the top of those rungs”, Florian motioned. “But don’t open the roof-latch. We don’t need to go out. I’ve some calculations to make.”

It was dark and quiet as I climbed. On the way, my buck-knife fell—and continued falling—until the echo of a thud far below. I sat at the top. Florian was thirty feet below me now. He opened the chronographer. It was like Christmas down there on the landing. What was once a dank, vertical corridor of concrete and metal, became like a Taj Mahal. Wind started to blow.
“This is where the Sultan got the design for his famous cathedral, Sidney!”, Florian shouted.
There was a whirl in the air, it smelled of incense. Florian climbed up to me, laughing. In the dazzling lights and spinning air ....